Talk Radio

Journalism Today

Seriously, I loved the class and I was honored to take it and participate in Journalism today.
Already having a job for a very, very long time–and retired–I never dreamed I would take a college class again other than extension.
So hard and so scary and thinking now would I have actually made it if it was in real life and not on-line.
Here’s the thing…
I already had a blog for a long time and loved writing and sharing information.
Honestly, it was so inspiring to speak to Thom Dang on my last podcast and hear about his compassion for others that it was energizing.
Going to Palestine and making the decision to try and help the dog rescue was the turning point.
I had to come to terms with the fact thaat my writing and communication skills were really not that effective and if I actually wanted to accomplish anything in this area I seriously had to improve my knowledge base.
Yes, Journalism is extremely interesting but it is also extraordinarily difficult–making it today, making your point so it might make a difference and getting the word out there.
Who is the audience for dog rescue, square dance and talk radio?  How do you figure out who the audience is and where they are located?
In dog rescue the groups on social media already have dogs and are trying to find homes for them.  Having said that, there is a network out there that help each other.
There are plenty of discussions in square dance about where to find new members and everyone has a different idea.
I love writing about these things and my new passion is the podcast and I feel like there are plenty of these groups that can go on talk radio shows and tell folks about their cause.  If they care about the thing it always makes for an interesting story.
In doing my research for this class it is easy to see there are very many little internet radio shows out there and they are always looking for interesting guests.
Actually caring and trying too hard became a thing for me. 
For instance, on the Google Sheets I thought I may lose my mind and also on the graphics–it was a bit too tedious for me and my computer–and my computer skills.
Following directions carefully and reading the assignment carefully can become an issue for this lady.
Staying focused and on the topic is a real work load.  I did not stay on the topic.  Tried to contact Cornell West for an interview on more than one occasion without success but I am thrilled with my interviews and podcasts and I love the medium.
In reading the assignment–incorrectly–I panicked about finding someone interesting.  I had had my eye on the Gallina’s for a long time but I did not know how to tie it in to my topic and then remembering a Zoom meeting I attended with the director of the Palestine Museum US gave me hope.
At the end of the day I had two wonderful podcasts, inspirational and very informative.  
Shocked to find out they only needed to be 60 seconds.
I want to put them on my wordpress blog and my other blog and share them with everyone effectively and properly.
I have learned a lot of really good information and I feel like I can use it and I want to keep learning more.
Now, the other blog is there and I can edit it but just in the last couple of weeks it seems to have disappeared and I cannot publish on it and I do not know why.
Really enjoyed learning about the Rolling Stone libel case and I do not understand why the Queen of England does not sue Oprah and CBS because it seems that they acted with malice after giving it careful thought.
I thought all of the apps and tools were very good and useful and I would like to be better at them and more relaxed about using them.  
I kept getting everything real mixed up and then it would take me forever to just do one little task as in the Google Sheets and I finally realized it was all right there in front of me I just had to look for it.
I definitely think I can use all of the things I have learned to make my own blog better and hopefully help the dog rescue.
I do not know if I could ever do an actual Journalism job but I would not mind trying to do the littlest one at some point in the future if I can get some more knowledge.
The extra time and the reminders are appreciated and helpful.
Thank you for letting me take your class, I really enjoyed it.

Talk Radio

Spotlight on Darren Gallina, Cuesta Squares and GCA

Spotlight on Darren Gallina, Cuesta Squares and GCA

Talking about Square Dance in San Diego and the conversation always turns to getting the word out and finding more members for our clubs.
With COVID going on we have gone to Zoom Meetings and virtual dances and the cool thing about it is that we have made many good friends around the world.

Very honored to speak with Thom Dang today from Cuesta Squares in San Luis Obispo,

Many square dancers have been attending this very welcoming LGBT square dance group and enjoying their weekly dances and their caller, Darren Gallina.

I was anxious to speak with Thom because one can observe that he does a very good job of promoting his club, his Partner, Caller Darren Gallina and the LGBT community in square dance.

Thom gave us his thoughts about how to let folks know about square dance, who is our audience and how do we find them–how do we make people aware of our local square dance clubs.

Thom has worked hard with GCA, Gay callers Association, to let the other clubs know about their existence and their very qualified callers.

Darren Gallina has been calling for over 20 years and he is very talented and skilled.  He likes to conduct the wind-in-your-face theory of square dancing meaning everyone can dance all of the time and everyone can easily learn the dances. 

We want everyone to feel welcome and know that we want them to attend.  We want to keep moving and dancing and singing as opposed to spending a lot of time learning a tedious call. 

We want to have fun and be diverse and have music that is multi-generational–songs that appeal to everyone.  Not every song has to be a country-western selection and can easily be the Top 40 that one can hear on the radio.

We want to get the word out about style and dress. 

Traditional square dance clothes are not required, a partner is not required and a previous knowledge of square dance is not required.
With COVID all of the clubs are making a strong effort to get new members and keep old members involved.

Thom Dang finds Facebook to be very helpful and he also has a You-Tube channel.  At their Zoom meetings they have time for chatting and trivia.  Last evening we were lucky to hear about museums that have recently opened in New York City.

Thom and Darren do not want anyone to feel isolated and left out particularly during this stressful time of illness and lockdown.

Here is our chat on the Radio Night Train podcast. 

Thank you, Thom, for taking time out of your busy day to tell us about the calling skills of Darren Gallina, Cuesta Squares of San Luis Obospo and GCA, Gay Callers Association.

We will definitely see each other at some of the upcoming conventions.

(20+) Cuesta Squares | Facebook

Darren Gallina cover photo courtesy of Darren Gallina and Thom Dang: All rights reserved

Balboa Park photos courtesy of chloe louise: copyright free

Talk Radio

Lisa Talks: Ian Punnett, Late Night Talk Radio and The Pros and Cons of Coast to Coast AM

 Lisa Talks Ian Punnett, Late Night Radio and The Pros and Cons of Coast to Coast AM

Thank you and appreciation to long time radio listener, Lisa, for taking time to chat about the current state of late night radio talk shows.

Trying to answer the question of what makes a good talk radio show and what things make the show successful and entertaining.

Lisa shared insights about one of the best radio talk show hosts out there, Ian Punnett.  

The talented hosts can make an entertaining show just with their own input and knowledge.  

When everything fails, the guest can’t make it and you’re left on your own you still have to make a good show.  Ian has said this many times and used it as an example when callers have asked him how to get into radio.

Ian definitely falls into this category.

Please join us for an informative podcast on late night talk radio.

Agree or disagree, please share your thoughts on the current state of talk radio.  Do you think the radio station has any obligation to promote the truth?

Thank you for listening and reading.

Chloe Louise · Lisa
Talk Radio

Talk Radio All-Stars

Talk Radio All Stars

Howard Stern

Like him or not we have to place him high on the list for his unequaled success in talk radio, putting Sirius on the map, his huge list of big name interviews and engaging the guest.  A prime example would be his interview with Hillary Clinton.  A fan of Hillary forever, Howard had the biggest smile on Hillary’s face anyone has ever seen.  She was so happy in that interview and relaxed and funny.  Love Howard for that one interview, alone.  Honestly, he is a little racy for me but his skills are to be sought after by any talk show interviewer.

Geraldo Rivera

Geraldo had a show on WABC-New York for many years.  Regardless of whether one agrees with his political bias he is a knowledgeable and skilled interviewer.  He can handle any guest even if they disagree with him and are unbending in their opinion.  He is not afraid of the caller.  He is polite and gets the best out of the guest–the radio listener learns both sides of the story.  

During the New York show he was always talking about Palestine.  He often spoke about his interview with Arafat.  He said Arafat had the heart of the Palestian people.  To make matters even more interesting, Noam, the news person who chatted with Geraldo had parents who had moved from New York back to Israel.  Again, the information on both sides of the story was priceless.  Geraldo Rivera also told us about J Street. a Jewish organization interested in establishing peace in The Middle East.

Geraldo often talked with big names.  One of the best conversations was when Barbara Walters called in and they recounted Geraldo asking her to go out in the evening after work on an assignment.  Barbara had to explain in a nice way, thank you, Geraldo, but I have to get ready for work tomorrow to chat with Fidel Castro.

Chip Franklin

Drove me crazy on KOGO weekday mornings.  I had to write about it.  So smart and quick thinking but the ultra-conservative views forced a written response.  He does like dogs and he is very nice to me and cordial.  Chip Franklin is a very big person and a skilled and experienced journalist.  Thank you, Chip, for your kindness.  He writes, and creates shows and is a gifted stand-up comedian.

Bill Press

Progressive radio chat out of Washington DC has gone to podcast about twice a week.  Really miss Bill Press and wish I could just turn the radio on and listen to him.  He frequently has the big Washington reporters giving their inside scoop on the most recent political story.  They go into a lot of detail on his show about their process and obtaining the story.

Ian Punnett

Often fills in for George Noory on Coast to Coast AM.  Last evening he had Billy Gibbons from the rock group, Z Z Top.  Ian is a Deacon in his church, formerly had his own morning drive show in Minneapolis and currently teaches Journalism at Kansas State.

George Knapp

Frequently fills in for George Noory and is a reporter on the evening news in Las Vegas.  George can be credited with letting everyone know about Area 51.  George has been a journalist and anchor in Las Vegas for many years–he is an expert at Vegas history and at the top of the heap in the UFO crowd.

The Jesus Christ Show

Neil Saavedra is the producer of The Jesus Christ Show. The time slot is every Sunday morning between 6 and 9 AM. This show airs on KFI 640 AM Los Angeles. He does a good job of explaining the Bible.

Some of these favorites are on the radio, some on pod casts and some on You-Tube.

What do you listen to and is it on the radio or on the comp?

How do you find new shows?

Talk Radio

Cycling The Countryside of Palestine, Finding Homes for Dogs and Getting The Word Out on The Radio

Cycling The Countryside of Palestine, Finding Homes for Dogs and Getting The Word Out on The Radio

Cycling the countryside of The West Bank through history, politics, religion, architectural ruins and a food paradise–that is Bike Palestine.

Visited out of curiosity and ended up falling in love with the place.

About 25 were in our group the first time and 7 the second–made up of folks from the UK and the US.   George Snow, who founded Bike Palestine is originally from London but now resides in Italy. 

Some participants go strictly for the biking.  

The results are an extremely different and fun type of vacation.  Somewhere one often hears about but rarely visits. Jerusalem is impressive.  We are walking where Jesus walked.

People from around the world visit Jericho to be baptized in The Jordan River.  

But why are all of these dogs just hanging out…

Always on the tail end of the bike group one cannot help but notice all of the dogs just hanging around.

On the second tour after researching the issue I found Diana George Babish.

She has created a dog shelter in Beit Sahour about 5 minutes outside of Bethlehem.  On a side trip to visit her shelter she chatted about her efforts to find homes for dogs.  They find homes for their dogs around the world.  Challenged by political and physical isolation, they are always trying to get the word out.

My girl, Coco Lou, is from Tijuana.  There are many groups in San Diego who make the 30 minute trip across the border to rehome stray dogs.

Negar, who runs Paws 4 Thought Rescue out of Chula Vista said this is basically the same thing.  

I get dogs from Iran all of the time.  My mom brings 3 dogs back every time she goes over there to visit family.

When I go to London, with my husband, to visit his family, I go on a television and radio show and talk about the dog rescue.  
Of course, we always need donations but we also need traveling buddies and foster homes.

Why don’t you make a little presentation and do the same thing.

All of the radio talk shows and internet radio talk shows are always looking for a new guest.  Why not hook them up with George Snow who is always looking for new riders.

Getting the word out about Palestine, Bike Palestine and finding homes for dogs.
Let’s see if this will work.

All of the photos are courtesy of Chloe Louise at–copyright free.

Header image: The Jordan River, courtesy of ChloeLouise, radionight train–copyright free.

Talk Radio

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson from Night Dreams Talk Radio Part 3

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson from Night Dreams Talk Radio Part 3

Sometimes we have to write a television script for a weekly show in 3 or 4 days.
Ethan Lawrence related this information as he spoke with Gary Anderson of Night Dreams Talk Radio.  Ethan was the guest on March 18 of this year.

He has written for many science fiction television shows and movies.  He explained that more time is given for a movie, sometimes months, but for a weekly television show there is always a major time constraint and a budget.

The specialty  of Ethan Lawrence is Science Fiction and Horror.  He has studied terror and horror for many years and feels that it is his calling.

He said he has a vast knowledge of what makes this kind of show work and he is good at this kind of writing.  This is his niche.

He often teaches in Los Angeles with his old professors and he likes to tell the students to find what works for you.  What are you good at and feel really passionate about.  He grew up in the Sci Fi world–his dad wrote scripts for The Twilight Zone and Outer Limits.

You have to be able to describe the picture with words because the director might misinterpret what you wrote and it will end up being a different product.

He always goes into a new project with 10 ideas and they usually like 2 and immediately want to burn the rest.

He also worked on the show, The Pretenders, and he wrote the current movie on Netflix, Truth or Dare.

Ethan Lawrence said he fought for the movie to be less graphic and prefers to tell the story with words and shadows but the executives take over and they feel blood and violence sells and it particularly sells overseas.

He spoke with Gary Anderson and his producer for about an hour.

He likes to help new writers and does not mind answering questions.

Florida Canyon Trails in Balboa Park, San Diego Image by Chloelouise via Copyright-free

This show and all of Gary Anderson’s shows are available on his website, Night Dreams Talk Radio.

Gary likes to tell folks about his nightly radio show which comes on every evening at 7 PM PST.

The show is live and then all of the shows can be listened to at a later date.

There are many ways to hear the show, on the website and on many podcasts that appear easily with a Google Search, including I Tunes and I Heart Radio.

As our interview was drawing to a close I could not let Gary go without hearing his take the current radio talk show landscape and the change in the direction of Coast to Coast AM since George Noory took over for Art Bell.

Radio has changed–AM radio is essentially dead in some countries.

Everything is on the internet now.

I have a live show–it is not prerecorded.

The difference between a live show and a podcast is that in a podcast if I do not like what you say as the guest I can go back and edit it.  I cannot do that in my show.

With a live show this option is not available.

Does the radio station, the talk show host or the network have any obligation to tell the truth to the audience.

Coast to Coast AM is Premier Network.  They are all about money.

Art Bell, the former host of Coast to Coast AM, walked away from Premier.

He did not want his show to be controlled.

I am not controlled by anyone.  I never will be.  I am independent.
I will never sell dating or vitamins.
I refuse to charge to listen to my shows or my old shows.

All of my previous shows are available for listening anytime.

We get our money from selling our merchandise and donations and some sponsors but with the COVID issue we have had many sponsors leave.  I am retired so I am in a different category and I have my studio in my home.

I am doing what I want to do and I am following my dream.

Thank you, Gary and Producer, James Creachbaum, for taking time to tell Radio Night Train about your show.

Image by Chloelouise via radio night train Copyright-free

Header Image: Big Lou in Florida Canyon by Chloelouise via radionighttrain Copyright-free

Talk Radio

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson from Night Dreams Talk Radio Part 2

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson from Night Dreams Talk Radio Part 2

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson from Night Dreams Talk Radio Part 2

Recently had the pleasure of chatting with Gary Anderson host of Night Dreams Talk Radio and his producer James Creachbaum.

Listening to talk radio forever, and mainly Coast to Coast AM, it was informative to hear Gary’s take on how the talk radio business works.
He started in talk radio after his military career where he listened to a show called Nightcap where they talked about anything and everything all  night long.

After the service he followed his dream into commercial broadcasting.  His plan to spin Top 40 abruptly ended when his station was changed to news/talk after one day of employment.

Nevertheless, Gary found the paranormal as a topic and this has worked for him for 46 years.

One of the very cool things about his career is that he became friends with Art Bell and I think we could say that Art was sort of his mentor, also.

He made many trips to Art Bell’s studio in Pahrump, Nevada.  They had many things in common including paranormal talk shows and they both were Ham radio operators.

They both had strong feelings about having a certain respect for the guest and the audience.

I learned that from Art–I never talk down to the guest or use swear words and I try to maintain a certain respect for the audience.  I do not insult the audience.  I do not like that.

I treat the guest I am interviewing as if they were sitting on my couch in my living room.  I want them to feel comfortable and relaxed and I think it makes for a better interview and therefore it is better for the listener.  It is a better show.

They have respect for the audience.
The show is free.
They are not offensive and  there is not swearing.
Gary Anderson’s respect for the show, the guest, the audience, the topic come through loud and clear.  His zeal for what he does is the take-away from my conversation with him. 

It was actually uplifting and I would like to convey that in this report.
Gary Anderson is happy to tell people about his radio show and that is admirable in this day and age.

I interview somebody as if they were sitting in my living room.  I want them to know I am paying attention and interested in what they are saying.

Seriously, when you are chatting with him on the phone, he does make you feel like you are the most important person in the world.
He is good.  He is a good interviewer.  I was interviewing him–he was actually better at interviewing me–he is that good.  He is interested in what you say.  Gary has that lovely radio voice and the ability to ask questions.  He brings the best out of the person he is talking to.
I take and old school attitude on the interview with the guest!

I talk to the person like they are sitting in my living room on the couch.  

I pretend they are right there with me and not on the internet.   I am not about making money.  I am not selling dating.  My old shows do not cost money to listen to and they are not going to–I strongly believe in that–I am not going to charge somebody to listen to my old shows.
I am not selling dating and I am not selling vitamins

To be continued………
Part 3 of my interview with Gary Anderson is coming up with more fascinating facts about his life, his career and his radio show.
Thank you, Gary
Thank you, James

Listen to Gary Anderson on his website:
Night Dreams Talk Radio
Google Play, I Heart Radio, I Tunes, and many other radio and internet channels.
You will find many ways to listen on his website or just do a quick Google Search and plenty of selections come up.


Love just listening to the radio in the night after being on the comp, all day, but nevertheless, so happy to find a new station and choices.

Big Lou
Talk Radio

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson

So honored to speak with Gary Anderson, host of Night Dreams Talk Radio.

Listening to night time talk radio forever and finally getting a handle on how it works. Talking to Gary one gets the impression he is excited about his show, the guests and telling everyone about the upcoming shows.

He has made a success of his night time talk show based on the paranormal–he loves it and he loves sharing it. It comes through in his voice–his enthusiasm is genuine.

Gary explained he has been a big talker from the get go.  It would not be unusual for his teachers to ask his parents to try and keep him quiet.

After his stint in the service and becoming proficient as a CB radio operator he decided to follow his dreams and attended a Seattle trade school.  

The goal was to follow his idol, Top 40 Spinner Doc Maynard.  
Unfortunately, the day after he landed his first position in the city of Battle Ground, Washington, near Vancouver, he was informed the station had changed the format to news/talk.

Gary Anderson searched the newspaper for an interesting chat subject, finding an article about abduction. His audience latched on to the subject–that was in the 70’s–and he has been talking about the same thing ever since.

I have always been infatuated with the radio since I was a little kid.  I have been in this business for 46 years.

Two Big Talkers–Gary Anderson became Friends With Art Bell

They both were into paranormal radio chat shows and they both were proficient Ham radio operators.  A few times a year Gary would make the trip to Nevada to visit his friend Art Bell.  Everyone knows Art Bell from the original Coast to Coast AM radio show that went on for several years, very successfully.

Art’s show was entertaining, easy listening and interesting.  Yes, the subject matter was paranormal but at some point one can only listen to so much news or music and a good story works well for the long haul in the  night or for those who cannot sleep.

Art and Gary Anderson have many of the same qualities. 

They do not shout at the guest or talk down to the callers.  They are not offensive and they have respect for the audience.  The show is free.  There is not swearing on the show.

I learned from Art to buy the best equipment.  Spend the money and it is better for the listeners.  I have better equipment now here in my studio in Washington than some radio stations do.  I am independent.

According to James Creachbaum, producer for Night Dreams Talk Radio, Gary Anderson works very hard and it takes a lot out of a person to do a live radio show on a daily basis. Gary loves what he does and he wants to keep doing it for a long time. He believes in what he does, the integrity of the show and the way he runs the program. He is a good person.

To be continued…….

The Big Interview with Gary Anderson Part 1

You can listen to Gary Anderson on his website:

You can also listen on:

Google Play
I Heart Radio
Tune In 
and many other stations, traditional radio stations and internet stations.

There are several ways to listen on the website and he is easy to find on a Google search.

Stay tuned to find out more about his exciting life, his current shows and interesting facts about the radio.

Gary and Producer James, thank you for taking time to chat with me on the phone.

Talk Radio

Night Train: A Conversation About Late Night Talk Radio

Who is talking?

Who is listening?

Do you listen to a night time chat radio station?

Just wondering if it is work or a particular schedule that finds one tuning into their favorite chat show late at night.

Are you like me–sleeping just works out much better with the radio on and a good conversation about a new and unusual topic.

Something to hold your interest other than the news. A good story teller fits the bill.

What is your best station or do you prefer internet radio or a podcast about the cinema.

Readers, this page would love to have your comments and thoughts about your favorite station, host, chat subject, likes and dislikes and suggestions for listening.

Listening to Coast to Coast Am forever an argument can be made for or against the direction of the show. Everyone knows George Noory is a talented and experienced journalist and news person. Now the show is called news and talk. But what about the one-sided approach to the news and current events. With frequent input from Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone, ultra right-wing political pundits, the listener can easily come to the conclusion that this is a deliberate act by the host. It is so insulting to the audience.

On this blog we can explore the question of why the show changed direction. We can ask if selling vitamins and calling it a talk show is really entertaining and ultimately if there is any truth in journalism at all in any radio talk show . Is it completely unregulated and do the owners of the stations even care what is said. Is it the wild, wild west and hosts can say what ever they want. Are the stations that carry the shows obligated to the truth and the well-being of the audience. I would like to know the answer to that question.

Honestly, I am growing weary with Coast to Coast AM. Why are the same people calling in all of the time. What is up with that?

Here is a link to the Coast To Coast AM Facebook page:

Your thoughts…….

Different opinions create a more lively conversation–one does not have to agree to comment.

Recently discovered and found it to be easy listening and pleasant–not too ridiculous or offensive. Plan to check it out again and would like to know if other late night listeners out there have any experience with this show.

Thanks for visiting

Talk Radio

Sleeping in the night…….

Do you have trouble sleeping in the night.

Do you listen to the radio–maybe a chat show.

What is your favorite show?

Who is your favorite host?

Are you happy with the current late-night talk show landscape?

One can only listen to so much news or music and yes, even though Art Bell had his faults, he was an excellent talk show host. I miss him terribly. George Noory is an experienced and gifted journalist but often goes off on a conservative binge or just can’t stop selling things.

It is not entertainment to me.

Your thoughts…….